“Staying competitive in a challenging global market has been a key focus for the Canadian aerospace industry.”
The aerospace industry is featured in the Nov. 16 issue of The Globe and Mail. Download the PDF or read it online.
The Trade Commissioner Service, led by the Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade, is organizing a trade mission to Seoul and Busan, South Korea, February 8-13, 2015. This trade mission to South Korea will be a significant, multi-sector mission highlighting the breadth of business opportunities in the South Korean market and the benefits for Canadian businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises, of the soon to be implemented Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement.
For more information, write to korea-mission-coree@international.gc.ca or visit the Trade Mission website.
Trade Commissioner Service presentation on Chinese Aerospace Market
Beijing-based Canadian Trade Commissioner Heidi Wang delivered a presentation about the emerging Chinese aerospace industry and market to a group of aerospace industry and government representatives in Abbotsford on March 4, 2015. Please click the following link to download and view the presentation: Canada-China-Aerospace-March 4