The BC Advantage

National and International Aerospace Stages

British Columbia is poised to take its place on the national aerospace stage with its:

  • Internationally recognized research capability
  • World-leading training facilities
  • Governments that believe in the industry and want to help.

The Asia-Pacific region will dominate global growth over the next 20 years by adding nearly 17,000 new aircraft to its fleets at an expected value of $2.7 trillion.1  B.C. is Canada’s gateway to the Asia-Pacific market and has a longstanding relationship with the region.

BC is uniquely positioned to capitalize on market opportunities with its proximity to Boeing and the world’s largest aerospace cluster in Washington State, and to the rapidly growing Asia Pacific region.

Bombardier, based in Montreal, Canada is the fourth largest commercial aircraft manufacturer in the world. Boeing and Bombardier have significant supply chains that include B.C. technology development and innovation.

AIAC Pacific and ADSE

B.C. is host to the Abbotsford International Air Show, the largest air show in Canada. AIAC Pacific has taken on the leading role in developing and hosting the Aerospace, Defence and Security Expo (ADSE), which takes place alongside the historic air show.

As a strategic ADSE partner, AIAC Pacific has access to key Canadian and international aerospace companies that will add to the profile and growth of the show. Each year ADSE features high-profile federal and provincial government and industry representatives speaking on matters key to the growth and competitiveness of the aerospace, defence, and security industries.

Higher and higher

KPMG’s BC aerospace study suggests that every direct aerospace job creates another 1.5 indirect and induced jobs. KPMG also estimates that that annual aerospace revenue growth of $100M will contribute up to $138M in provincial GDP, and create and additional 330 direct and up to 450 indirect/induced jobs. Compared to an average of less than two jobs for every one mining or construction job, and it’s clear that aerospace jobs contribute to making our communities stronger and economy more diversified.

1 Source: Boeing Commercial Market Outlook, 2018-2037