Supplier Development Pilot

Supplier Development Overview

Across the world, the aerospace industry is evolving. Amid growing competition and globalization, large OEMs are increasingly consolidating their supply chains and relying on a strong network of suppliers to meet their demands. AIAC-Pacific recognizes the need for British Columbia’s aerospace industry to adapt to these changing market realities and to increase the competitiveness of our industry. In response to these demands, AIAC-Pacific has partnered with the Government of British Columbia to investment in a BC Supplier development program specific to the needs of BC’s aerospace sector. The key focus of this initiative is to help small and medium sized enterprises evaluate their performance, support them in implementing an improvement plan and make them more competitive within the global aerospace industry.

British Columbia Supplier Development Program

In partnership with industry and with support from AIAC-Pacific, the Government of British Columbia is exploring the creation and implementation of a British Columbia Supplier Development Program (BC SDP) aimed at B.C.’s manufacturing and industrial service companies in the industrial marine, aerospace, energy, and general manufacturing sectors. The BC SDP is intended to be multi-year, multi-sector program of support, helping companies become world-class suppliers by focusing on operational excellence. The program is being designed using the best practices in supplier development from around the world; and is modeled after leading programs in the aerospace, defence and automotive industries.

A pilot project is currently underway to validate design concepts and training materials and to confirm the utility of a sustained program of support for enhancing the global competitiveness of B.C. businesses. Because of the overwhelming success of the first pilot, the pilot is being expanded and extended into fiscal year 2017/18. In addition to continuation with the current participant, the expanded pilot offers the opportunity for two additional companies to participate.

Click below to view additional supporting documents for the BC SDP:

BC SDP Pilot for 2017 – Slide Presentation

Participant Benefits Overview – 2017 SDP Pilot