Pacific Sky Aviation reaches program milestone towards Twin Otter Series 400 Flight Simulation Centre

March 26, 2015

In partnership with the National Research Council (NRC) in Ottawa, Pacific Sky has just completed the first of two phases of flight testing on the new Twin Otter Series 400 aircraft manufactured by Viking Air Limited.

Pacific Sky Phase 1 Announcement Photo 1 (3)

After four weeks conducting over 800 ground and flight manoeuvres, the aircraft performance data collected by NRC will be submitted to TRU Simulation + Training in Montreal, the simulator manufacturer. TRU Simulation will then use the data to build and prepare the new Series 400 Twin Otter Full Flight Simulator (FFS) for qualification by Transport Canada to the highest regulatory standard currently available. Known as “Level D”, this highest standard of FFS will place the new Twin Otter simulator in a league of its own with respect to realism and quality of training for the wheeled version of the airplane.

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